SAI was granted charitable status in 2017 which prompted the creation of a new fundraising committee known as the SAI Dream Fund. This committee seeks to raise funds to create meaningful opportunities for those we serve so that they can live a life based on their own goals and values. Donating to the SAI Dream Fund not only helps us continue to improve the lives of those we serve, it also encourages them to dream big.

SAI hosts three annual fundraising events: A curling bonspiel, a ball tournament and a Carnival at Kinsmen Park. For information on upcoming events please follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

Jessica’s Ranch Camp Experience!

This is Jessie and the horse named Guy from ranch camp at sand hill stables last year. The SAI Dream Fund helped send Jess to this camp. Here is Jessie’s review…

“I’m thankful to attend ranch camp because it was really fun, I like the people there and the other riders. I learned and practiced post trotting which is good for my balance. Horses make me feel happy. I loved bonding with Guy (the horse) while grooming him. If I didn’t get money from the dream fund  for this camp I wouldn’t be able to afford it.”

Social Club!

The Dream Fund has helped provide opportunities for SAI to unite the folks from our 3 programs through a SOCIAL CLUB, where we meet new people, try new things and learn about our community.

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